Unipi / Sssup

Jean Monnet Events at the Department of Economics and Management

Find below the  Jean Monnet events organized in the next weeks, co-funded by the European Commission to the Department of Economics and Management:


The events are moreover within the Festival, organized by the Department of Economics and Management of the “30th Anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities”. In 1989, the Jean Monnet programme was launched to support academic research on European integration in its Member States. Thirty years on, the programme continues to fund teaching and research on EU policies and fosters dialogue between academics, decision makers and civil society actors around the world.

 The participation to the events doesn’t require any registration. The final event of the Festival “30th Anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities” will be organized in the next Autumn at the Department of Economics and Management.

For any further information please write an email to  international@unipi.it