On May 7th and 8th, Prof. Christian Morabito, from Save the Children, will provide the Seminar “Vulnerable groups: child poverty, migration and gender in Europe” from 10:30am to 12:00.
It will be LIVE through the channel Teams of the course “562PP – Small Area Methods for the Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty Data and Seminars”.
Notice also that the video recording of the Seminar “Poverty mapping to study income and cultural diversity in Europe” by Nikos Tzavidis from the University of Southampton is already available here.
Moreover the recording of the Seminar “Aggregating Multidimensional Indicators in Europe” will be available from May 11th here.
For further information on Jean Monnet Chair project, we invite you to visit the website or write an email to sampieuchair@ec.unipi.it