Unipi / Sssup

Tuition fees and financial support A.Y. 2024/25

University fees depend on the student’s country of origin and can vary from 407 euros up to 2.354,00 euros.

Students of MSE can be eligible for three types of financial support:

1.       Scholarships provided by the University of Pisa.

The top 24 international students, enrolled for the academic year 2024/2025 will be able to benefit from one of the merit scholarships that the University of Pisa will allocate in order to increase the number and the quality of international students in the University. This number of scholarship will be allocated among all the programs offered by the University of Pisa.

You can find the final ranking of this year by clicking here and looking at the bottom of the page.

Each scholarship will be consist of:

·       First year of course: 6.500,00 euros net and exemption from University fees

·       Second year of course: 8 thousand euros net and a reduction of 50% of the University fees if the student has obtained at least 36 cfu credits with an average grade of at least 25/30

Scholarships will be awarded on the base of a unique ranking, made by a committee which will evaluate the following factors:

·       CV

·       Interview

·       CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)

·       Country of origin of the applicant, giving priority to the less economically advantaged countries.

Attention: In order to take part in the allocation of the sholarships, candidates must apply to the course of study of interest by one of the deadlines suggested by the course of study itself, but in any case not later than the 28th of February 2024.

The allocation of the scholarships will happen before the enrollment, so that eventual non-EU winners applying for a VISA will be able to use it during the pre-enrollment phase to demonstrate sufficient economical means to afford studying in Italy at the competent Italian diplomatic Representation.

 Check the website UNIPI scholarship

2.       Support by Azienda DSU Toscana, consisting of a mix of supporting activities, as free accommodation, free access to canteen, partial exemption from fees, etc.  The assignment of this type of financial support is decided by Azienda DSU Toscana.

For more information about the deadline and how to apply to the DSU scholarship click here. (Notice that the deadline is usually at the end of August!).


3. The Master of Science in Economics is part of the “Invest your Talent in Italy” Programme scholarship programme which aims to support students from the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, South Korea, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia , Iran, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

The scholarships are awarded to students admitted to the master’s degree program and are financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). To apply, consult the page www.postgradinitaly.esteri.it
For other grants consult the web page Tasse universitarie e borse di studio (unipi.it)