There is a call for a traineeship at Banca d’Italia in Florence. Notice that it is reserved to master graduated…
Le news e gli avvisi del Master in Risk Management
5 positions for the Double Degree Programme with the University of Trier
For the students enrolled in the Official Statistics curriculum 5 positions for the Double Degree Programme with the University of…
EMOS Call for Candidates: Eurostat Coding Labs
From EUROSTAT our University received an opportunity reserved to EMOS student, the deadline to apply is 30th June 2020. To…
Fifth VIVIFICAT Seminar
Today 26/05 from 2pm, Davide Fiaschi, will hold the fifth VIVIFICAT seminar entitled Economic Mobility and Epidemics. If you wish…
Fourth VIVIFICAT Seminar
Tomorrow 19/05 from 2pm, Giuseppe Ferrero, from Bank of Italy, will hold the fourth VIVIFICAT seminar entitled Covid-19 and Monetary Policy:…
Third VIVIFICAT Seminar
On May 12 from 2pm, Simone Marsiglio will hold the third VIVIFICAT seminar entitled Optimal Control of Prevention and Treatment…
Seminar “La politica monetaria ai tempi del COVID-19”
On May 13th at 2pm, Dr. Giuseppe Ferrero from Bank of Italy will hold the seminar “La politica monetaria ai…
Bando di concorso per l’attribuzione di due borse di studio e approfondimento
Si comunica l’apertura del bando di concorso per l’attribuzione di due borse di studio e approfondimento di tre mesi (dell’importo…
Rethinking Economics Seminar
The student association Rethinking Economics Pisa is going to hold a seminar on May 9th at 5pm via Facebook LIVE.…
Jean Monnet Chair Seminars
On May 7th and 8th, Prof. Christian Morabito, from Save the Children, will provide the Seminar “Vulnerable groups: child poverty,…